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Cyber Monday starts early this year

Get ready for Cyber Monday, the biggest online shopping day of the year! This year, you can start your shopping early and take advantage of an exclusive discount on the best personalized gift available. Don’t miss out on this amazing deal – check out the discount code now and start saving!

This year, get your Cyber Monday shopping started early. Like really early. As in, we have Cyber Monday deals all year long leading up to the big day at the end of November.

You may be asking yourself, “Why would they do that? Why would they offer Cyber Monday deals well in advance of Cyber Monday?”

Well, to us, the answer is simple. We believe every person deserves to have a story written about them. Every person in the world means something to someone out there, and they should be reminded of that.

But that alone does not warrant early Cyber Monday deals. What warrants our Cyber Monday 2024 deals already launching is the fact that we want every customer to be afforded the best deals possible. We want every person who comes to our website to at least consider getting a loved one the best gift in the world.

And even if you do not order one yourself, we hope you tell other people about this Cyber Monday special we have going on. Right now it’s Christmas in July, and even after July is well and gone, December 25th will be here before you know it. So put your mind at ease and make sure you get the best Christmas gift ever for someone (or multiple people) without the hassle of ordering last minute.

When you order your personalized newspaper story now, you can get all the interviewing, picture sending and shipping out of the way. It will quickly become the most anticipated gift you will get for someone this year, and maybe ever!

If you’re still hesitant, don’t be. The process is quick, painless and easy.

You place the order and answer some questions about the story subject. We do all the writing and take care of all the heavy lifting.

And the best part is, you get all the credit! That’s right! We take care of things on our end, and you are the one who gets the love and affection come Christmas Day… and they might even feel a little indebted to you ;).

So, quit waiting, because Cyber Monday starts early this year, and the best gift ever is right around the corner. Place your order here and use the code CYBERMONDAY for a special, secret code you will unlock at checkout.