Senior Citizen Story Archives

A unique, personalized, thoughtful gift for a senior citizen in your life. This newspaper-style gift is a great way to remind them of what they mean to you and to tell the story of the amazing life they have lived so far.
July 15, 2024

A Reflection of Her: The Wixted family tree is one that will be impacted by Kathleen for a long, long time

This “whip smart” woman dedicated her entire life to teaching and instilling a lot of important things into the minds of young people. From her teaching […]
July 5, 2024

Invaluable Mother: As Claire’s children reflect upon the greatness of their mother, they are consistently reminded of how irreplaceable she is

She’s the first one they call when they need anything. She is their day one who has always provided for them and shown up for them. […]
June 17, 2024

Complementary Couple: Steve and Beth Conrad are not only always there for each other, but for their loved ones as well

“Mom and Dad are a true testimony for marriage. They have been there for each other when life has thrown curveballs, challenging situations and health battles. […]
June 15, 2024

The Golden Standard: As J.W. and Anita are celebrating 50 years of marriage, their family wants to celebrate their love for Jesus and each other

J.W. worked at Union Camp/International Paper for 40 years and is a true outdoorsman who loves to hunt and fish. Anita was a stay-at-home mom and […]
June 14, 2024

Top Tier Dog Mom: Betty is a selfless dog mother who is always looking out for her furbabies

Her heart looms large. Betty King treats everyone (from human to animal) super well, and she is constantly looking out for them. In fact, Betty is […]
June 13, 2024

Kiki’s Love: Kay Johnson is a wife, mother, stepmother and grandmother who shows up for her loved ones every day

She’s an even-tempered, ever-present family woman. She is happily retired, leaving her more time to spend with her husband, daughter, stepson and grandchildren. Kay Johnson loves […]
June 4, 2024

Unconditional Support: No matter what, the most important thing to Barbara is being there for those she cares most about

Dedication to family. Selflessness. Self-sacrificing. Always there for me. Persistence. Supporting. Listening. These are some of the countless things Craig Kushnir said he appreciates about his […]
May 31, 2024

Mom. Mammom. Baboo. – No matter what name you know Louise Olsheski by, she is purely and utterly amazing and sacrificial

Mothers are the people who are there for you from day one. From the moment you are conceived to every moment following, you guys are connected […]
May 30, 2024

Leaving a Legacy: Marion E. Murrell spent 95 years as a Navy man and a family man, both of which made his impact endless

Born on August 24, 1928, in Champaign, IL, Marion E. Murrell was a Navy man through and through. He dedicated so much of his life to […]