Uncategorized Story Archives

A unique, personalized, thoughtful gift for anyone for any reason or occasion. This newspaper-style gift is a great way to tell the story of someone’s life or business.
June 17, 2024

Downright Amazing: Everything about Chelsie Gawel is super amazing, as she treats everybody the way she wants to be treated

When she was working at the hospital, Chelsie Gawel was (and still is) the only one who had ever been nominated for the Nurse of the […]
May 30, 2024

Just Us: For David and Owen, Krista is all they really need

Strong and determined. Honest. Compassionate. Empathetic. Selfless. Caring. Responsible. Open-minded. Grateful. Non-judgmental. These are just a few of the many infinite ways to describe Krista MacQuarrie. […]
April 19, 2024

Helen Koppenhaver laid a foundation of hard work and a focus on family

Everyone’s ‘Oma’ Story written by Matthew Kennedy “Oma” is a German term with a simple translation, but its meaning runs so much deeper for Helen Koppenhaver. […]
December 31, 2023

Amanda Mason ‘Serves her family without limit’

Amanda Mason is an amazing wife and mom who has dedicated herself to taking care of her family. Her husband, Terrance, said he appreciates everything she […]
July 22, 2023

Amazing Leader: Adina is the glue that holds the Cavallini house together

Adina Cavallini is all about inclusion. When it comes to others, she wants to make sure they all feel included. She does not like to see […]
May 27, 2023

Selfless Mother: There are nothing but positives to mention about Bobbi

There are many things Mason Baines appreciates about his wife Bobbi, and rightfully so. Bobbi is a great wife, an amazing mother, an exceptional friend and […]
April 14, 2023

‘She Makes Me Laugh’: Stephanie makes Ryan’s life truly memorable and she is the one person he cannot live without

Tenacious. Smart. Beautiful. Self-starter. Determined. Honest. Virtuous. Funny. These are just some of the many words Ryan used to describe his girlfriend Stephanie, and that is […]
March 29, 2023

‘She’s Our Blessing’: Greg and the kids appreciate Kara Pett more than she could ever think or imagine

Some people love their wives. Then, there’s Greg Pett who loves his wife unconditionally. Kara Drexler Pett brings his life so much meaning and she is […]
November 10, 2022

‘She’s A Rare Find’: When they cannot find the words to explain what Kat means to them, this is exactly what her family uses to describe her

Throughout her entire life, Kat DeBurgh has been an extraordinary woman who is a ‘rare find’ according to her family. She is a special person, tried […]