All FrontPage Stories and Posts

Below is a list of all the personalized newspaper stories we have written for customers, along with all our blog posts.
May 28, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Birthday Gift for Your Wife

Choosing the perfect birthday gift for your wife can be a daunting task. You want to get her something that she will love and appreciate, but […]
January 31, 2024

‘You’re My Person’: Above everything else, Christine Graban is her family’s rock and pillar

There is no doubt in anybody’s mind that Matthew Graban loves his wife with all his heart. Christine is the woman of his dreams who is […]
January 11, 2024

Proverbs 31:30 – An emphasized point on Bertha Lopez Garcia’s life is her love for and fear of God

“When I reflect on the 100 years of my life, I consider myself blessed by God. More than 68 years of marriage and more than 66 […]
November 17, 2023

‘Twin Flame’: While they may not be dating anymore, John and Kimmy’s relationship is as strong and foundational as ever

Life works in mysterious ways. And for Kimmy Smith and John Atkinson, this could not be truer. Kimmy and John dated from 2017 to 2022, but […]
September 22, 2023

Unique Birthday Gift Ideas That Will Surprise and Delight

Finding the perfect, especially unique, birthday gift can be a challenge, but with this ultimate guide, you’ll have plenty of ideas for every age. Here are […]
September 15, 2023

A True Gem: Jordan Adams will do anything for anyone at any time, and for that reason and many more, she is celebrated and beloved

It is a special woman’s birthday today. James Gagne’s girlfriend, Jordan Adams, is turning 31 today, and he wants her to know just how much she […]
September 8, 2023

‘My Better Side’: This is how Bruce views Bonita, and so do her daughters

There is a whole lot to be said about Ms. Bonita Michelle Jackson. From her endless support to her extreme work ethic to her love of […]
July 29, 2023

Terrific Woman: Michelle is loved by her family and friends, and there is no questioning why

They say a lot of women take after their mothers, but not nearly as many take after their grandmothers. Then again, not a lot of women […]
June 6, 2023

Outstanding Parents: There aren’t many couples out there who are as loving and dedicated as Ron and Cheryl

Ron and Cheryl Wright complement one another and balance each other out as best as any couple you will ever meet.  This started way back when, […]